We are a global
venture law practice.

Welcome to TLP Advisory, where YOU matter. We help YOU start, grow, and scale YOUR venture. We are obsessively focused on seeing your business succeed.

Practice Focus

We advise and support you so you can focus on what you do best - create and build!

Legal Advisory

We provide you with tailored and specialised legal advice so you can start, grow and scale your business.

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Intellectual Property

We help you realise and increase the value of your ideas and business by protecting, exploiting and enforcing your intellectual property rights.

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Investment Support

We advise and support on financing of businesses and ventures, whether you are the one financing or receiving the finance.

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Business Concierge

Alone, or in collaboration with our experienced partners, we provide market entry advisory, consultation and support.

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Ecosystem Report

“A Decade of the Nigerian Venture Ecosystem – Numbers, Insights and Stories” provides a comprehensive analysis of Nigeria’s startup landscape, revealing the growth, challenges, and strategic shifts that have defined the ecosystem over the past decade. We have released this report to celebrate ten years of TLP Advisory providing services within the ecosystem.

Highlights of the report include:

  • Quantitative analysis of survey responses from businesses at various growth stages that were established over the last ten years.
  • Spotlight interviews of ecosystem players to glean their experiences and insights.
  • Recommendations for fostering a more robust startup ecosystem in Nigeria.

We are TLP Advisory

We are the law practice that was founded for the sole purpose of supporting creatives, founders and their funders.

At TLP Advisory, we serve the world's most innovative people and businesses in the technology, media, creative and emerging business sectors. We also support those who finance them.

We help your ideas work for you through our legal, entrepreneurial and digital expertise. From early stage tech companies to scale-up fintech and healthech companies; from writers, musicians and artists to producers and studios; from angel investors to venture capitalists and DFIs. If you are creating something or funding those who create, our experienced specialist lawyers provide you with up-to-date in depth knowledge and advice.

How we work


We get to know you, your motivations, goals and needs.


We diagnose your needs and recommend our service packages that are best suited for you.


You select the service package you find most ideal for you from the options presented.


We welcome you to the TLP community where we give you what you deserve - our best work.

What People Say